>MMO Adventures 3: Leaving Perfect World for DDO

>The credit card was slippery in my sweaty fingers. My brow was moist with a feverish flush of heat. My finger hovered over the button… My computer saved me from re-subscribing to WoW, however, by simply refusing to download the bastard. I tried for two days while visiting my girlfriend (Because, see, that meant I […]

>MMO Adventures 2: The Shaggening

>Once Perfect World was running on my system, I set out to make a charac…wait, no. Before I jump into character creation, I should acknowledge two pernicious bugs that impair playing PW on a Mac running Crossover. The first is that the game client itself, upon launching, occasionally opens in a windowed mode. Perhaps there […]

>MMO Adventures 1: The Not-Playing

>I spent the last week in an MMO frenzy. I was ravenous to play something online, with rpg elements and a persistent story. The fact that I read WoW.com daily, and haven’t played WoW since 2008, probably has something to do with this. The fact that I read Massively.com on the daily as well does […]