Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Eight

The Finale! What’s the single most important lesson you’ve learned from DnD? As I just said, I’ve taken a lot from DnD. My teaching style is profoundly influenced by my growth as a DM, which is how I can walk into a classroom where there are three of seven students present, only two of whom […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Seven

If you had it to do all over again, would you do anything differently when you first started gaming? My last couple posts got a little maudlin re: groups that no longer game together. However, in terms of starting out I’d change nothing. DnD has been such an incredibly influential element of my life, my interests, my […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Six

Do you still game with the group that introduced you to the hobby? Hah, no. I don’t even game with the guys I played with in high school…I don’t really talk to those guys, for a variety of reasons ranging from “dude never actually liked me but we both wanted to game” to “dude did a […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Five

What’s the longest-running campaign/gaming group you’ve been in? See, this is where my wordiness pays off (from the perspective of having 28 entries completed by the end of today, specifically)! This is how I teach classes too; come the end of the class I wave my hands and explain “We already covered this! And this! […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Four

What’s the movie you immediately associate with DnD? Conan. The original Conan. I don’t need to explain that, do I? We’d straight up put the DVD into a dude’s sound system, turn on the “church” equalizer setting, and game to that. I’m confident we’re not alone in this.

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Three

What’s the song you immediately associate with DnD? Since I have a few of these to knock out tonight, I was doing a little mental pre-pro, considering what I was going to say to each (spoiler: most will go pretty quickly, which leaves me time to tear the hell into Moon Knight). When it came […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-Two

What was the first DnD-Based Novel You Read? What I love about the way this question’s actually written is that it pretty much presupposes you’re dealing with a series. The books that got me into DnD were the original Dragonlance Chronicles, which I bought for thirty cents at a garage sale. I read those books so many times…I […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty-One

First time you sold your DnD books, for any reason. HELL no. Donated my 3x stuff to the public library when I was moving out of MN, partially because 4th had just dropped but mostly because the SRD made the books obsolete. Not sure that I got rid of the Deities book, because I love […]

Boppin’ and Blog Hoppin’: Day Twenty

What was the first non-DnD RPG you played? We hit the fresh shit quickly; by the time I started playing with the friends I made in 8th grade, many of them had been gaming for a fistful of years with elder siblings and relatives. That meant they’d cut their teeth on DnD and quickly moved […]